The Important Role of Project Management Plan for the Company

In general, project management plan contains an explanation of how the plans and decisions of a project will be implemented. Simply put, the contents of project management are 4W (Why, What, Who, When) and 1H (How). Project management plan (PMP) is considered as a living document, meaning that if there are changes to the project plan while the project is running, then project management must also be updated or changed. So, why is PMP considered important for the company insurance?

Project management must be seen as a tool that helps companies to carry out designated projects effectively and efficiently. But of course the use of this tool does not automatically guarantee the success of the project. This project management can be a very important and powerful tool in the hands of companies that understand its use and have the competence to implement it.

The Process of Making a Project Management Plan

Usually a project management plan is made by a project manager, then will be signed by key stakeholders, and becomes the basis of a project plan. If there is a change, then the change will formally go into the change control and will be used as a comparison between the actual project and the project baseline. After the project manager completes the project management plan document, a kick-off meeting will then be held to officially start the project. The purpose of the kick-off meeting is to inform stakeholders that the project will officially take place and give an overview to each stakeholder about what activities will be carried out. Both small and large projects, making project management documents is a must.

Fill out the Project Management Plan

Usually before a project starts, a manager or project auditor will ask important documents such as project charter and project management plan. the project auditor will ask for a comprehensive explanation of the contents of the project management, which aims to assess the readiness of all stakeholders in carrying out a project.

The project management plan has a baseline that will be created in the planning phase. There are 3 baselines, including the scope baseline (containing the project scope statement, WBS, and WBS dictionary), baseline schedule (containing the project schedule that has a start date and end date for each activity), and a cost baseline (containing the project budget). These three baselines are usually referred to as the Performance Measurement Baseline. Because usually the project manager will always compare between running projects with the baseline. The performance will then become a report to stakeholders regarding the project’s condition, whether it is still in scope or out of scope. And whether under, within or over budget, and whether behind, on, or ahead of schedule.

Every time a change is made related to the baseline during executing and monitoring & controlling, then the change will go into the change control system. If approved, the project manager can update the baseline in project management.

Basis for Making Project Management Plan

There are two tools and techniques for creating or developing project management, namely expert judgment and facilitation techniques. The following are some basics in making management plans that need attention:

1.      Project charter

used as a starting point for initial planning in the initiating process group.

2.      Output from other processes

All baselines and subsidiary plans that are output in other planning processes will be input to this process.

3.      Enterprise environmental factors

are industry or government standards, project management information systems, organizational structure, culture, management practices, infrastructure, and personnel administration.

4.      Organizational process assets

can be standardized guidelines, Work Instruction (WI), proposal evaluation criteria, performance measurement criteria, project management plan templates, change control procedures, project files from various projects, historical information and lessons learned knowledge base, and knowledge management configuration base.